16 December 2022

A Powys County Council service is to invoke its business continuity plan as a preventative measure, it has been announced.
The council’s Adult Services is to invoke its plan as high demand across the health and care sector, combined with recruitment and retention issues and increasing levels of sickness in key areas, is impacting on service delivery.
The service will now stand down non-critical work so that it can redeploy current staff to meet business critical activities in a smooth and planned transition.
The service has set up daily meetings where it can monitor the situation and take appropriate actions to ensure business critical services are maintained.
The council will continue to prioritise those adults who need vital social care services as a matter of urgency but is asking residents for their patience and support while the business continuity plan is in place.
However, if anyone is concerned about an adult and think they are at risk, or if a person’s situation is unsustainable, they should contact the council immediately on 0345 602 7050.
Nina Davies, the council’s Interim Director of Social Services and Housing, said: “The decision to invoke the business continuity plan for Adult Services has not been taken lightly but is necessary to meet the current challenges that is impacting on service delivery.
“We will stand down non-critical work within the service so that we can redeploy current staff to meet business critical activities. We may need to rely on the support of other council departments to help us through this challenging period.
“We will be reviewing the position after one month, but our aim is to keep this period of business continuity as short as possible.
“I’d like to take this opportunity to ask for patience at this critical time and to assure all our residents that we will prioritise those adults who need vital social care services as a matter of urgency.”
If you or someone you know needs practical help with daily living, there are organisations that can provide help and support. Visit Get help at home with daily living to search for organisations that can help support you.
AskSARA (https://powys.livingmadeeasy.org.uk/language) is an online self-help guide providing expert advice and information on products and equipment for older and disabled adults. Answer some questions about yourself and your environment and you’ll receive a free personalised report, providing clear, tailored advice written by experts on ways to help with your daily activities.
If you want information or advice about your well-being – or you want to know how you can help somebody else, visit Dewis Cymru’s website https://www.dewis.wales/