Autistic youngsters get their own Prom…..
Many Autistic teenagers across Swansea and Neath and Port Talbot didn’t get a Prom or a school leavers event because they often struggle to cope with the noise, lights and number of people. Swansea Autism Movement are making up for this by organising an autism friendly Prom just for them.
With a silent disco, sensory room, quiet areas, the adaptations at the stadium for this event will support the particular needs of these young people. There will still be a disco, red carpet entrance, buffet and plenty of photo opportunities, but the focus of the evening on Friday 21st April is to ensure the best time is had by all and memories are made.
Swansea Autism Movement CIC is a peer-to-peer project of parent-carers who have autistic children and those waiting for a diagnosis. We support autistic children, their siblings and parent carers by connecting families through fun activities and regular contact. SAM is managed by a team of volunteer directors led by Chair Suzanne Cranmer-Ford.
SAM wish to thank everyone involved in assisting us with staging the event, especially Nicky Price at the Events team at, InHouse Entertainments,, Play and Leisure Opportunity Library, Mara Cabral & John Minopoli for offering to take photographs at the event and especially the young people who have worked together with us to plan this event..
SAM would also like to thank those who supported our fundraising including Andrew Scott, Mardi Gras Party shop, Carltons Hair Design, Rachel Jenkins, Anne Melik, Lush Swansea, Daniel Perkins, Swansea City AFC, Kara Rees, all the individuals who have offered theirs or their family members Camper Vans, Cars and Harley bikes to be outside the event for photographs and everyone who has bought a sensory bag or phone holder from Jack.
For further information: [email protected]