On the evening of 3rd October, the coastguard were called out to rescue a dog. The coastguard wrote the following:
Rhossili and Mumbles coastguards teams got tasked to a dog over the cliff at Rhossili. On arrival we meet up with the owner of the dog. She said her dog (a Doberman pup) had chased a sheep, and both the sheep and dog had gone over the cliff and were in the sea. The dog had managed to scramble onto a ledge and we could hear the dog barking.
Her partner had made his way down the cliff to try and rescue the dog. This was extremely dangerous and could have been a different rescue.

Please stay safe and call 999. Do not try and attempt a rescue yourself.
Fortunately, this person made his way back up to the top of the cliff once he saw us. Providing us with useful information for the rescue.
Burry port and Tenby lifeboat were also tasked. Burry port lifeboat tried to rescue the dog, but it was deemed too dangerous.
Tenby lifeboat stayed on scene providing light and safety as we set up a cliff rescue system. Thank you this was really helpful and appreciated.
Mumbles team arrived and assisted in the recovery.
One of our team was lowered to the base of the cliff where the dog was safe and well but petrified in a small cave just above the waterline
The dog was retrieved safely and passed over to the grateful owners.
If you can’t control your dogs please please put the dog on a lead.
And please please do not try and rescue animals please call 999 and ask for the Coastguards. We are happy to help.and we are trained for it.
The farmer was informed about the sheep that did not survive.
 Great teamwork by all teams.
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