21 December 2022

Consultation on plans to introduce a Welsh-medium stream at a south Powys primary school have begun, the county council has said.
Powys County Council is proposing to move Ysgol y Cribarth in Abercraf along the language continuum by establishing a Welsh-medium stream at the school.
The school is currently an English-medium school providing education for pupils aged 4 to 11.
The proposed change would see a Welsh-medium stream introduced at Ysgol y Cribarth from September 2023, operating alongside the school’s English-medium stream.
Last week (December 13), Cabinet gave the go-ahead to start formal consultation on the plans.
Cllr Pete Roberts, Cabinet Member for a Learning Powys, said: “Since September 2021, Ysgol y Cribarth has operated a Welsh-medium Foundation Phase class on a pilot basis as part of a scheme that has been supported by the council.
“The class has continued to operate in the current academic year and there are currently 20 pupils in the Welsh-medium class.
“To provide continuity of provision for pupils attending the pilot provision and to provide clarity for the school going forward, the council has explored options for the school’s future language category with the aim of ensuring that Welsh-medium provision can continue to be offered at the school.
“This would ensure that all pupils in the area would have the opportunity to choose this provision, which would give them the opportunity to become fluent in Welsh and English and therefore contributing to the Welsh Government’s aspiration to achieve a million Welsh speakers by 2050.
“It would also support the council’s aims and aspirations as outlined in the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP) for 2022-32 and the Strategy for Transforming Education in Powys.
“However, it is important that the school community of Ysgol y Cribarth and those living in the wider area have their say on these proposals. I would urge them to send their views so that they can be considered.”
To respond to the consultation, visit Ysgol y Cribarth..
Alternatively, you can respond to us in writing by emailing [email protected] or via post at Transforming Education Team, Powys County Council, County Hall, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 5LG.
The consultation will close on Monday, 6 February, 2023.
To find out more about Welsh-medium education in Powys, visit Destination bilingual