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Welsh Knife Crime – Police Operation Sceptre

From South Wales Police:

Incidents involving knives can have tragic consequences. Knife crime is not a part of everyday life in South Wales, but we recognise the importance of taking action to prevent a problem occurring.

Operation Sceptre is our approach to tackling knife crime, and associated issues of serious violence and illegal drugs.

Our work includes both targeted operations and engagement and education to reassure young people they are safer not carrying knives.

We work alongside partner organisations to support our aims of keeping South Wales safe from knife crime.

If you have suspicions that someone may be carrying a knife, or involved in drugs, you can contact police on 101, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

Assistant Chief Constable David Thorne said:

“Levels of knife offences in the UK have risen over the last few years, and South Wales is no different to anywhere else in that respect.
“Thankfully, levels of those offences remain lower here than many other parts of the UK, and, generally, South Wales is a safe place to live, to work, and to be.
“But even one instance of knife crime is one too many, and tackling the harm that knife crime causes is an absolute priority for South Wales Police. The effects using a knife can have are devastating, and those who carry a knife need to remember the impact their actions could have for themselves, for others, for their family and friends, and for the wider community.
“We are here to keep people as safe as possible, and – under the banner of Operation Sceptre – our teams are working hard every day to reassure our communities and to disrupt the small minority who are intent on carrying knives, especially where the most vulnerable are put at risk. Our dedicated Op Sceptre teams are having a really positive impact, and we are also using stop-search in a fair and proportionate manner to ensure our streets are as safe as possible.
“However, we are also determined to address the root causes of knife crime, and are working closely with the Wales Violence Prevention Unit and other partners – including education services and trading standards – as part of a public health approach to the issue of knife crime, to prevent people from carrying knives in the first place.
“We also engage with members of the community, including young people, to emphasise the fact that picking up a knife is always the wrong choice. Not only will carrying a knife not protect you, but it will actually make you much less safe. If someone gets involved in an incident and pulls out a knife, that knife could be used against you. Instead, the right decision is not to carry a knife in the first place.
“Please think about this if you carry a knife. Please think how you would feel if someone you care about saw you carrying a knife, copied you, and something later happened to them. Please think about how your future could be ruined if you are caught carrying or using a knife.
“If you have concerns about knife crime, or you think someone might be carrying a knife, please have a conversation with them. Please also speak to us if you think someone is carrying a knife – it can be difficult, but it will help ensure that that weapon can’t be used to cause serious injury, or worse.
“If you prefer, you can contact Crimestoppers, completely anonymously. Crimestoppers never ask for any personal information, and won’t track your device. But passing any information to police or to Crimestoppers could help take a knife off the street – and, ultimately, could save a life.”

Know the law: You may be breaking it without even realising.

It’s illegal to:

  • sell a knife to anyone under 18, unless it has a folding blade 3 inches long (7.62 cm) or less
  • carry a knife in public without good reason, unless it has a folding blade with a cutting edge 3 inches long or less
  • carry, buy or sell any type of banned knife
  • use any knife in a threatening way (even a legal knife)
  • Any sharp instrument that is used in a threatening way (e.g. a screwdriver) is also an offensive weapon.

Police officers have the right to stop and search any person or vehicle if they suspect an offence, including possession of an offensive weapon.

The risk that someone you know may be carrying a knife or may be affected by knife crime can be very worrying and raise many questions.

Advice for parents
The best way to keep young people safe is to talk to them about the danger.

Talking can be difficult, but keep trying. Your son or daughter may be scared or unwilling to talk. Maybe they think they need to carry a knife because they feel threatened.

Look out for:

  • Problems at school or a reluctance to go to school
  • Issues of bullying or theft of personal items
  • A new network of friends
  • You may suspect that your son or daughter is carrying a knife. For example, you may discover a knife is missing from the kitchen.

Advice for students
It is illegal to carry a knife even if it’s for your own protection. Police, and teachers at school, can search anyone suspected of carrying a knife.

By carrying a knife, you could get a criminal record or even a prison sentence. This will have an impact on future job prospects and whether you’re able to travel abroad to some countries.

Carrying a knife significantly increases the risk to you being injured. Your own knife can be used against you or someone may attack you in ‘self-defence’.

How would you feel if a younger brother or sister carried a knife because they had seen you do it, and something happened to them as a result?

Using a knife, even in self-defence, can ruin your life as well as someone else’s. Even being there when someone else uses a knife can get you in trouble.

Walk away if you are confronted with the threat of violence.

Tell somebody you trust – a parent, teacher, friend or the police.

You can also report anything you know about knife crime 100% anonymously via Fearless.

Petition for Wales to have devolved control over Crown Estate in Wales

Nearly 10,000 people have signed a petition for Wales to have devolved control of just over £603M of Crown Estate land in Wales.

At the moment, the Queen receives 25% of the profits and the remaining goes to the UK treasury. Whilst profits generated from Crown Estate in Wales go to the UK treasury, profits from Crown Estate in Scotland goes directly to the Scottish government.

A petition was started by Rhodri Williams, 37, from Cwmafan after discovering the Scottish government received its profits directly, whereas the Welsh government does not benefit from the profits generated. Rhodri said “It just seems totally unjust and unfair that one part of the union is treated differently to the other. These are our waters, why are we not having the money?” 

The Welsh Secretary, Simon Hart said there is no public interest or appetite for reform and if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

The Crown Estate in Scotland was devolved in April 2017, the Scottish government having control over management, assets and the profits generated. The profits generated since are:

      • 2017 – 2018 = £7,196,492.02
      • 2018 – 2019 = £9,699,486.83
      • 2019 – 2020 = £11,389,004.14

The Welsh Conservatives are against the idea of devolution of the Crown Estate in Wales, their spokesperson Janet Finch-Saunders stating “If it’s not broken, why on earth would we want to support the further devolution of powers?

The Welsh government said “Devolving control over the Crown Estate would give us greater flexibility to choose how far and fast we deploy renewables in Wales. We have outstanding natural resources to generate renewable energy. We want to be able to use those to benefit people in Wales by investing in communities and green, skilled jobs.”

 Ben Lake (Plaid Cymru) said the Crown Estate should be devolved like in Scotland and used for the benefit of the public and public purse. “If the Crown Estate was devolved to Wales I think we could consider using and developing the amazing natural resources we have here much quicker than the current system allows

Rhodri Williams who started the petition wrote: “The value of the Crown Estate Wales’ renewable assets grew from £49.2m in 2020 to £549.1m in 2021. This is money that would enable Wales to build and develop our own Welsh renewable energy industry rather than selling off our assets to the highest foreign bidder.

You can sign the petition here: https://www.change.org/p/welsh-secretary-simon-hart-transfer-control-of-the-500m-crown-estate-to-wales-like-in-scotland

Map of Welsh coastImage from Ordnance Survey

You can read and sign the petition here:https://www.change.org/p/welsh-secretary-simon-hart-transfer-control-of-the-500m-crown-estate-to-wales-like-in-scotland

A walk around Swansea on a gloomy day

A video showing a walk around Swansea on a gloomy day. Video from youtube channel: This is Swansea

Edward George Bowen – pioneer of radar

Edward George Bowen (nickname Taffy) was born on January 14, 1912 in Cockett, Swansea. He was responsible for inventing and developing radar between 1935 and 1940. 

The idea of radar was an indirect response to a question in 1935: can we build a death ray to shoot down aircraft?
The answer was: no, but we might be able to build a ray to detect their presence.
Bowen was given the job of building the first transmitters. Starting in 1935, Bowen concentrated on ground-based transmitters which at the start only had a small range. Some months after this breakthrough, Bowen increased the detection area to around 20 miles and then 100 miles.  A chain of radar installations was erected along the coast of Britain by 1938 helped detect the German Luftwaffle with air raid sirens to warn the population to seek shelter.

Bowen was awarded an OBE in 1941, the Medal of Freedom USA in 1947 and the Royal Commission Award to Inventors in the UK in 1951.

Apart from the breakthrough in his research and development of radar, Bowen is also known for:

    • Cloud physics and artificial rainmaking
    • Supervised the design and construction of the 210ft (64metre) radio telescope at Parkes NSW Australia. He was recognised by NASA for his ‘for his pioneering efforts in advancement of technology for very large steerable telescope antennas’
    • Helped to guide the project for the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) in NSW. The AAT was Originally a joint Venture between Australia and United Kingdom.  https://aat.anu.edu.au/about-us/AAT

Edward Bowen blue plaque

Edward George Bowen suffered a stroke in 1987 and after deteriorating died on 12 August 1991




Kenfig Natural Nature Reserve – Destroyed by bikes

Kenfig natural nature reserve has made photos showing how bikes have torn up the land causing devastation.

This is not how you should treat a National Nature Reserve!
If you see any motorbikes on Kenfig PLEASE report it
E Mail: [email protected]
Phone: Emergency 999 Non Emergency 101


Christopher Kapessa death – family appealing for justice

Death of Christopher Kapessa

Christopher Kapessa died at the age of 13 in the River Cynon on 1 July 2019.

Woman begins High Court fight over decision not to prosecute after son's death | The Independent Family and representatives said the police investigation lasted around two days and the event was declared “an accident” within the first 24 hours.

An anti-racist charity The Monitoring Group complained to South Wales Police alleging racial discrimination in the police response. Christopher’s mother has declared South Wales Police to be institutionally racist.

In June 2020, this incident received attention as part of Black Lives Matter #BLM.


Christopher died on 1 July 2019 after being pushed into the river and unable to swim. The Crown Prosecution Service said that it was “not in an effort to harm someone”.
Emergency services search team, paramedics, firefighters and a helicopter attended the scene and the body of Christopher was recovered and pronounced dead.

Police investigations 

According to the anti-racist charity The Monitoring Group, police declared the incident “an accident” within 24 hours whilst only 4 of the 14 people present at the time had been contacted by police.

On 17 July 2019, The Monitoring Group filed a police complaint on behalf of the family, alleging racial discrimination in the police’s treatment of the incident. Joseph said that the police were “insensitive and unable to answer many of the most basic of our questions”.

Joseph was also in contact with Race Alliance Wales, who urged a “full investigation” into Christopher’s death and the response and conduct shown by the police.

Chief superintendent Dorian Lloyd said the investigation had been passed to “the major crime investigation team”. The police said that a family liaison officer was in contact with Kapessa’s family.

In February 2020, the Crown Prosecution Service stated there was “sufficient evidence” for a manslaughter prosecution case. They further stated that no such case would go ahead as it was not in the “public interest”.

The family’s lawyer called the response “disappointing” and said “we are not looking for retribution”.

Public reaction 

In July 2019, the local community raised in excess of £9,000 to go to Kapessa’s family. In February 2020, Kapessa’s family launched a crowdfunding campaign to pay for their legal fees.
A petition calling for further action has recently passed over 100,000 signatures.
You can add your name to the petition here: https://www.change.org/p/uk-government-justice-for-christopher-kapessa

There is a facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/JusticeForChristopherKapessa/

This is a live blog. Updates will follow as they happen.

Swansea Mines – Painting exhibition by Jeffrey Phillips

A collection of beautiful paintings by Jeffrey Phillips for a future Swansea Mines exhibition. Click on any image to enlarge.

[envira-gallery id=”1235″]

Llangennech train accident (full report)

The full report is here: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1045465/R012022_220113_Llangennech.pdf
A summary below:

At about 23:04 hrs on 26 August 2020, train 6A11, the 21:52 hrs service from Robeston (Milford Haven) to Theale, conveying 25 laden tank wagons, derailed near Llangennech, in Carmarthenshire. The derailment and the consequent damage to the wagons resulted in a significant spillage of fuel and a major fire. The driver, who was unhurt, reported the accident to the signaller. Subsequent examination of the site found that ten wagons (positioned third to twelfth in the train) had derailed, and that around 446,000 litres of fuel had escaped.

The spilled fuel caused major damage to the environment in an area which is both a site of special scientific interest (SSSI) and a special area of conservation (SAC), including cockle beds, natural tidal mud flats and wetlands.

The derailment occurred because one set of wheels on the third wagon in the train stopped rotating during the journey. The wheelset had become locked, probably because of a defect in the braking system on the third wagon, arising from deficiencies in the design and maintenance of components. The sliding of the locked wheel along the railhead caused damage to the profile of the wheel treads. This meant that the wheels were unable to safely negotiate Morlais Junction, near Llangennech, damaging the pointwork and causing the third wagon to become derailed. The following wagons derailed on the damaged track. Some of the derailed tank wagons were ruptured in the accident, and the spilling fuel ignited.


RAIB has made nine recommendations. These cover a review of the actions taken by the owner of the wagons following this and previous accidents, and improvements to the maintenance processes at the locations where the wagons involved in the accident are maintained and overhauled. The probable failure mode of the braking system and the lessons learned from reconstruction tests have led to a recommendation to the manufacturer of some of the braking system components to undertake a review of their design. A recommendation has been made to the organisations who carry out surveillance and certification of entities in charge of maintenance of rail freight vehicles to review their processes. A further two recommendations have been made to improve the management of wagon maintenance on the railways in Great Britain, and to review the technology and systems used to alert traincrew, signallers and railway control offices to wagon defects that may lead to derailment. The final recommendation is for a review of the arrangements for regulatory oversight of entities in charge of maintenance and certification bodies that are not based in the UK.

Simon French, Chief Inspector of Rail Accidents said:

“Trains carrying dangerous goods play an important role in the UK economy, but the risks which their operation presents must be adequately controlled. The consequences when things go wrong can be disastrous, as we saw at Llangennech in August 2020. Thankfully no one was hurt, but people were evacuated from their homes and the damage, both to the environment and to people’s livelihoods, will take years to put right. The accident also closed the railway line for more than six months whilst the railway was being rebuilt and engineers worked to minimise the damage to the local environment.

“The rail industry’s approach to the safe maintenance of freight wagons needs to improve. In this investigation we found that there were inadequate maintenance practices, and a failure to appreciate the importance of the correct fastening of the various components of the tanks wagons’ braking system. This is not the first time that we have investigated an accident where RAIB has identified serious issues with the maintenance of a freight train. Over the last decade we have identified deficient wagon maintenance as a factor in more than ten investigations, including maladjusted suspension, undetected frame twist and worn bogie pivot liners.

“In our report we have recommended a review of the technology and systems currently being used in the UK and other European countries to identify how improvements can be made to the railway’s ability to detect a wagon defect that may lead to a derailment, such as dragging brakes. The smarter use of track side technology to warn the railway that a train is endangering its infrastructure is a familiar RAIB theme; some of our previous investigations have urged the greater use of wheel impact load detection data to identify uneven wheel loads. RAIB would like to see more work in this area focused on how track side systems could be used to reliably detect dragging brakes, but also, how such data can be used in an intelligent way to benefit both real-time operations and fleet maintenance management.

“The majority of our recommendations following our extensive investigation of the derailment at Llangennech relate to improved maintenance processes for freight wagons. The widest ranging of these urges the freight sector, in conjunction with Network Rail, to develop a comprehensive programme of measures designed to promote the improvement of freight wagon maintenance in the UK. This is intended to be a collaborative effort, which is appropriate given the potential benefits of better information sharing across the sector.

“I would like to stress the importance of getting this right. It’s time that freight wagon maintenance practices were subject to careful examination and for the industry to think through the way that it can best deliver on its legal and moral obligation to present wagons that are fit to operate through the nation’s towns and cities. The prize for getting this right is improved safety, better reliability and compliance with the freight sector’s legal obligations – and all at a reasonable cost.

“Since RAIB has been concerned about the quality of freight wagon maintenance for many years, I welcome the actions that ORR has taken to reinforce its supervision of entities in charge of maintenance. This will provide improved visibility of maintainers’ important work and verify the extent to which the important role of ECMs is properly understood and applied across the UK freight sector, and the adequacy of surveillance undertaken by certification bodies (whether based in the UK or in the EU).

“I have been struck by the extent to which the safe condition of freight wagons is critically dependent on people being given the tools and training they need to do a difficult job, very often in dark, wet and cold working conditions. So, I urge freight operators and maintainers to think carefully about the people who do the hands-on work, and the things that could be done to develop the capability of the work force.”

Government blocks plan for DVLA workers to work from home despite rising Covid-19 infections

The government in Westminster have blocked a plan previously agreed by management and the union to allow DVLA staff to work from home in an effort to safeguard the staff from Coronavirus. The latest Covid / Omicron wave has seen infections pass 1,700.

Geraint Davies, Labour MP for Swansea West told the Commons: “A year ago, Phil Grant of the DVLA tragically died of coronavirus. He was a man in his 60s with a heart condition, who was previously allowed to work from home in the first lockdown and was forced to go to work. A year on, just pre the last Christmas, the unions and the management agreed after 700 cases of coronavirus at the DVLA that there should be new arrangements for people to work from home and a rota system to allow safety, and the Government intervened and stopped that being reinstated on the grounds Omicron wasn’t as dangerous. But since then, we have now got a cumulative figure of 1,700 coronavirus cases in the DVLA.”

In June 2021, hundreds of DVLA staff went on strike in protest against the lack of Coronavirus safety measures.

A video posted by Geraint Davies:


Four men charged with burglary plead innocent, remanded in custody

Four men have been charged with burglary after break-ins in Carmarthenshire earlier this week.

Ricky David Jenkins, aged 34, of Fforestfach, Swansea, Keith Martin Goodenough, aged 58, of  Penlan, Swansea, Dean Michael Clement,  44, of no fixed abode, and Simon Lee Griffiths, aged 46, of Penlan, Swansea, have been charged with two counts of burglary and one attempted burglary in the Ammanford area on 3 and 4 January.

Simon Lee Griffiths has also been charged with 3 counts of assaulting emergency service workers as well as one count of criminal damage on 5 January.

All four men pleaded not guilty to the charges when they appeared at magistrates court and were remanded in custody until their appearance next month at Swansea Crown Court.

(Stub article to be updated)

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